EU regional security role: strengthening awareness within Ukraine

Jean Monnet Chair


European vector

Mykola Gnatiuk, Jean Monnet Chair, Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Doctor of Political Science, explains the process of Ukraine's accession to the European Union in the program “European Vector” on the municipal television and radio company “Vezha”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. What will be the next step after Ukraine receives official candidate status? What exactly will the decision to start negotiations mean for Ukraine? Does membership in the bloc depend on Ukraine alone? Does Ukraine already have a negotiating delegation or will it need to form one? To what extent is Russia's aggression an obstacle to the implementation of necessary reforms by Ukraine?

Accession negotiations and the EU-Ukraine relations

On June 27 2024, Mykola Gnatiuk, Jean Monnet Chair and Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, gave an interview to Polish Radio (Ukrainian Edition) in Warsaw, Poland. He provided insights on the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine and the future of EU-Ukraine relations. 

Educational Reform and European Integration

JM Chairholder Mykola Gnatiuk and Deputy Minister for Science and Education Yuriy Rashkevich discussed on national TV Canal 5 the educational reform in Ukraine and the opportunities the youth have to study in Europe. Prof. Mykola Gnatiuk highlighted the cooperation activities of the National University of "Kyiv Mohyla Academy" and the benefits that the Erasmus+ opens for Ukrainian students and teachers.

European integration of Ukraine: education and decentralization 

The national radio station “Voice of the Capital” invited JM Chairholder Mykola Gnatiuk to discuss the results of reforms and institutional transformations in Ukraine as a component of the European integration process. In the studio Prof. Mykola Gnatyuk together with Serhiy Shershov, Director General of the Directorate for Self-Government Development of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine outlined the ongoing reform of education in Ukraine within the decentralization process.